The Mind Of George Show

Developing Your Unique Leadership Approach with Brandon Allen

Episode Notes

In this dynamic conversation, I dive deep with Brandon, a leadership and team-building expert, as we uncover the pitfalls of hiring mere task managers instead of unlocking employees' true potential. Brandon emphasizes the power of empowering employees, giving them the freedom to explore and make impactful decisions. Echoing Steve Jobs, he says, "We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do." Brandon highlights the necessity for leaders to be perpetual learners, discovering hidden talents and abilities within their teams.

So grab your earbuds and learn how to:

Connect with Brandon on Instagram, website or podcast.

Recommended leadership books: 

  1. The Bonds That Make Us Free by C. Terry Warner
  2. Leadership and Self Deception by the Arbinger Institute
  3. Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Merrilee Adams
  4. High Output Management by Andrew Grove
  5. First Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham

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Click here for a summary of the Alliance because if you're coming here into the show notes, there's a good chance you already know! ;)

We’ve made it easy to see George’s top 10 book recommendations! Click here to find George’s top 10 recommended books for mindset, customer journey, and relationships. 

Questions or comments about the episode? I’d love to hear from you! Send me a DM over on Instagram @itsgeorgebryant or pop on over to our free Facebook community, Relationship Beat Algorithms

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What do we talk about in this episode?

00:00 Introduction to Leadership Masterclass
00:56 Curiosity and Inquiry-Based Communication
01:09 Unique Leadership Philosophies
01:31 Empowering Employees for Success
08:25 The Importance of Defined Roles
09:59 Coaching and Continuous Learning
23:11 Balancing Flexibility and Certainty
31:08 The Importance of Clear Agreements
31:37 Challenges in Modern Marketing
32:48 Traits of Effective Leadership
33:54 Personal Economics of Leadership
35:48 Developing a Leadership Philosophy
41:25 Continuous Growth and Self-Awareness
51:08 Top Book Recommendations for Leaders